Top 5 Haskell Libraries for Concurrency and Parallelism

Are you looking to write high-performance, concurrent, and parallel Haskell programs? Look no further! Haskell has a rich ecosystem of libraries that can help you achieve your goals. In this article, we will explore the top 5 Haskell libraries for concurrency and parallelism.

1. async

The async library is a lightweight concurrency library that provides a simple interface for running IO actions concurrently. It is built on top of the Control.Concurrent module and provides a higher-level abstraction for managing threads.

With async, you can easily spawn new threads and wait for their completion. You can also compose multiple async actions together using combinators like race and waitAny.

import Control.Concurrent.Async

main :: IO ()
main = do
  a1 <- async (putStrLn "Hello")
  a2 <- async (putStrLn "World")
  wait a1
  wait a2

In this example, we create two async actions that print "Hello" and "World" respectively. We then wait for both actions to complete using the wait function.

async is a great library for simple concurrency tasks, but it may not be suitable for more complex scenarios.

2. stm

The stm library provides a software transactional memory (STM) system for Haskell. STM is a powerful concurrency abstraction that allows multiple threads to access shared data without the need for locks.

With stm, you can define transactional variables (TVar) that can be read and written atomically. You can also define transactional queues (TQueue) and transactional maps (TMap) for more complex data structures.

import Control.Concurrent.STM

main :: IO ()
main = do
  balance <- newTVarIO 100
  atomically $ do
    withdraw balance 50
    deposit balance 25
  newBalance <- readTVarIO balance
  putStrLn $ "New balance: " ++ show newBalance

withdraw :: TVar Int -> Int -> STM ()
withdraw balance amount = do
  current <- readTVar balance
  check (current >= amount)
  writeTVar balance (current - amount)

deposit :: TVar Int -> Int -> STM ()
deposit balance amount = do
  current <- readTVar balance
  writeTVar balance (current + amount)

In this example, we define a transactional variable balance and perform a withdrawal and deposit transaction atomically. We then read the new balance and print it to the console.

stm is a powerful library for managing shared state in concurrent programs, but it may have a performance overhead compared to other concurrency abstractions.

3. async-extra

The async-extra library is an extension of the async library that provides additional features for managing concurrency. It includes features like timeouts, cancellation, and resource management.

With async-extra, you can set a timeout for an async action using the timeout function. You can also cancel an async action using the cancel function.

import Control.Concurrent.Async.Extra
import Control.Exception

main :: IO ()
main = do
  a <- asyncWithUnmask $ \unmask -> do
    putStrLn "Starting action"
    unmask $ threadDelay 1000000
    putStrLn "Action completed"
  withAsync (threadDelay 5000000) $ \t -> do
    r <- waitEither a t
    case r of
      Left _ -> putStrLn "Action timed out"
      Right _ -> putStrLn "Action completed successfully"

In this example, we create an async action that sleeps for 1 second and prints a message. We then create another async action that sleeps for 5 seconds. We use the waitEither function to wait for either action to complete and print a message depending on the outcome.

async-extra is a great library for managing complex concurrency scenarios, but it may have a steeper learning curve compared to other libraries.

4. parallel

The parallel library provides a high-level interface for writing parallel Haskell programs. It is built on top of the Control.Parallel module and provides a simple way to parallelize computations.

With parallel, you can define parallel computations using the par and pseq functions. You can also use the parMap and parList functions to parallelize computations over lists.

import Control.Parallel

main :: IO ()
main = do
  let xs = [1..1000000]
  let ys = [2..1000001]
  let zs = zipWith (+) xs ys `using` parList rseq
  print (sum zs)

In this example, we define two lists xs and ys and compute their element-wise sum in parallel using the parList function. We then compute the sum of the resulting list and print it to the console.

parallel is a great library for parallelizing computations, but it may not be suitable for more complex scenarios.

5. distributed-process

The distributed-process library provides a framework for building distributed Haskell programs. It is built on top of the Control.Distributed.Process module and provides a way to write distributed programs using message passing.

With distributed-process, you can define processes that communicate with each other using channels. You can also define supervisors that manage the lifecycle of processes.

import Control.Distributed.Process
import Control.Distributed.Process.Node
import Network.Transport.TCP

main :: IO ()
main = do
  Right transport <- createTransport "localhost" "8080" defaultTCPParameters
  node <- newLocalNode transport initRemoteTable
  runProcess node $ do
    pid <- spawnLocal $ do
      receiveWait [match (\(n :: Int) -> sendChan (channel :: SendPort Int) (n * 2))]
    (sendChan, receiveChan) <- newChan
    send pid 10
    result <- receiveChan
    liftIO $ print result

In this example, we create a local node and spawn a process that multiplies a number by 2. We then send a message to the process and receive the result using a channel.

distributed-process is a powerful library for building distributed Haskell programs, but it may have a steeper learning curve compared to other libraries.


Haskell has a rich ecosystem of libraries for managing concurrency and parallelism. In this article, we explored the top 5 Haskell libraries for concurrency and parallelism: async, stm, async-extra, parallel, and distributed-process.

Each library has its strengths and weaknesses, and the choice of library depends on the specific requirements of your program. Whether you need simple concurrency or distributed computing, Haskell has a library for you!

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