Haskell Libraries and Frameworks You Should Know About

If you're a Haskell programmer, you already know the beauty and power of this unique programming language. Haskell is popular because of its excellent performance, strong type system, and functional programming paradigm.

One of the reasons why Haskell is so powerful is the wide range of libraries and frameworks it offers. These libraries are crucial in building large-scale Haskell projects, and frameworks are helpful in creating web applications quickly.

In this article, we'll discuss some of the top Haskell libraries and frameworks that you should know about.


1. Lens

Lenses are a powerful way to manipulate complex data structures that are difficult to modify otherwise. The Lens library provides an elegant way of working with data structures that can be updated, regardless of the state of the structure being updated.

Lenses are equivalent to getters and setters in object-oriented programming, with the added advantage of minimizing code duplication. They allow you to focus on the parts of the data structure you want to work on while ignoring the other parts.

2. Parsec

Parsec is a library used for parsing text and binary files. It's one of the most popular parsing libraries in Haskell, and it provides a toolkit to build parsers that can handle any input format.

The Parsec library adopts the functional programming paradigm in parsing by being composable and modular. It enables you to build parsers as combinations of parsers, making it easy to build parsers for complex data formats.

3. QuickCheck

If you're into testing, the QuickCheck library is a must-know Haskell library. QuickCheck is a property-based testing library that generates random input and tests whether the code works as expected.

This library is fascinating because it provides concise and automated testing with the help of randomly generated test cases. It's incredibly efficient and effective, providing fast feedback on the quality of your code.

4. Template Haskell

Template Haskell is a library that provides a way to manipulate Haskell code at compile time. It's very powerful and allows you to generate Haskell code dynamically, which can be a game-changer when building complex software.

Template Haskell is used extensively for generating boilerplate code, especially in Haskell's web frameworks. This can simplify the codebase and make it easier to maintain in the long run.

5. HSpec

HSpec is a Haskell library for unit testing. It provides the ability to write tests in a natural and concise way while maintaining readability.

HSpec defines the testing structure for running a collection of tests, with each test specifying an expected behavior or outcome. Unit tests using HSpec are easier to read and understand, making troubleshooting simpler.


1. Yesod

Yesod is one of the top web frameworks in Haskell. It's a high-level framework that allows you to create web applications quickly and easily, employing best practices in security and performance.

The Yesod framework uses the Haskell type system to validate form submissions, providing a type-safe web development experience. It also has an excellent library, providing everything you need for web development, such as authentication, database access, and much more.

2. Servant

Another popular framework in Haskell is Servant. Servant is a lightweight and highly efficient web framework that follows the RESTful API approach.

The Servant library emphasizes type safety in creating HTTP APIs, which can ensure your code works as expected. Servant also ensures code modularity, making maintenance and future updates more straightforward.

3. Scotty

Scotty is a lightweight web framework that enables you to create small web applications quickly. Scotty provides the required HTTP handlers and behavior, encouraging simple program structure while maintaining maximum performance.

Scotty follows the Sinatra web framework approach, making it quick and effortless to create RESTful APIs. Scotty is perfect for small projects, where code modularity is essential without sacrificing performance.

4. Snap

Snap is a web framework that offers high performance while being user-friendly. It's a versatile framework that offers flexibility and modularity while being lightweight.

Snap's most significant strength is its integrated web server, which provides an excellent development environment. The framework's simplicity and flexibility make it ideal for building medium-scale web applications.

5. Spock

Spock is a web framework that adopts the monadic approach to web development. It's a lightweight and highly efficient framework that allows you to build web applications quickly.

Spock is an excellent option for those familiar with Monads, as it provides a way to use them to structure and modularize your web application. Spock is highly configurable, which can save you time and effort during web application development.


Haskell provides some of the most robust and performant libraries and frameworks available, making it an excellent option for any project size. Libraries such as Lens and QuickCheck provide powerful tools for data manipulation and testing, while frameworks like Yesod and Servant can simplify and speed up web application development.

As a Haskell programmer, it's essential to understand these libraries and frameworks and how to use them to their full potential. Knowing these tools will enable you to write cleaner, more performant, and modular Haskell code.

With this article, we hope we've given you a headstart in understanding the best Haskell libraries and frameworks and their usage. Happy coding!

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